Image Map

Wednesday 29 February 2012

DAY 31 - Wednesday 29th Feb 2012 - Gundam 00

Here's a picture of one of my favourite Gundams, The 00. I really like the 00 Raiser Gundam too but I thought I'd start off with an easier one! This is copied from one of the promo pictures for the series. It's very difficult to draw! Such a complex design. I feel sorry for the animators!

Before Colour

Tuesday 28 February 2012

DAY 30 - Tuesday 28th Feb 2012 - Tifa

Here's a picture I've made up of Tifa Lockheart from Final fantasy VII, one of my favourite games ever! I'm quite happy with this, although there's something not quite right about her face. I think it's the eyes maybe, not sure!

Monday 27 February 2012

DAY 29 - Monday 27th Feb 2012 - A Helicopter Between the SkyScrapers

Just a quick one today done in Biro. it's supposed to be people looking up at a helicopter with its spotlight on at night, although I'm not sure how well its worked. I've learned a lot from this one though so hopefully I'm improving a little

Sunday 26 February 2012

DAY 28 - Sunday 25th Feb 2012 - Sad Girl

I'm really pleased with how this one has turned out. Its just a 2B pencil sketch, with little bit of biro just to darken up certain areas.

Saturday 25 February 2012

DAY 27 - Saturday 25th Feb 2012 - Anime Girl

Hello, and welcome to the part of the show which I like to call, "can't get you own girlfriend? Draw your own imaginary one!" hahaha

Before Colour

Friday 24 February 2012

DAY 26 - Friday 24th Feb 2012 - Dog Sketch

I've not had much time on my hands today so only a chance for a quick sketch. This is some kind of dog/wolf done in just HB pencil

Thursday 23 February 2012

DAY 25 - Thursday 23rd Feb 2012 - Motoko & Tachikoma

As promised yesterday here's a picture of Motoko or the Major or whatever you want to call her with Tachikoma. This was done in markers but I just couldn't get the blue right so I ended up doing that in coloured pencils

Wednesday 22 February 2012

DAY 24 - Wednesday 22nd Feb 2012 - Batou

This is one of my favorites so far! It's Batou from the series Ghost In The Shell. I'm going to have a try at a Tachikoma soon so watch this space :)

Before background
Before colour

Tuesday 21 February 2012

DAY 23 - Tuesday 21st Feb 2012 - Easter Island

Here's a sketch of some of the Moai on Easter Island. I'd really like to go and see these some day!

I've decided against colouring this one, I think I like it just as it is :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

DAY 21 - Sunday 19th Feb 2012 - Sun God

Here's a pharaoh stood infront of a stone building of some kind. I'm pleased with how the perspective has gone on this one. I think the background matches in quite nicely.

This sketch was based on a bust I saw of egyptian pharaoh akenaten. I just love the style of it. There's a photo below if you've never seen it. As usual, markers and biro. I'm thinking of getting some gouache and trying to do some more car stuff in future :)

Before Colour

DAY 20 - Saturday 18th Feb 2012 - Eva 02 Beast Mode

Here's another marker picture I've done from Evangelion. This is pretty much the hardest EVA to draw as far as I'm concerned. It's very difficult to capture the twisted poses that this thing makes. I think the hands are pretty good, but I'm not too keen on the feet!

Friday 17 February 2012

DAY 19 - Friday 17th Feb 2012 - Eva Unit 01

Today's effort is Unit 01 from Evangelion (notice a pattern here?!!). It was sketched in pencil, then biro and markers. I'm pretty pleased with this one :)

Thursday 16 February 2012

DAY 18 - Thursday 16th Feb 2012 - Guy In Water

This was a sketch of a guy where I've tried to add the background in later. I think the perspective has gone a bit wrong but never mind, tomorrow is another day!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

DAY 17 - Wednesday 15th Feb 2012 - Blinding Lights

Today I've tried to do a picture using only one colour. I think it's gone ok so I'm quite pleased

Before Colour

Tuesday 14 February 2012

DAY 16 - Tuesday 14th Feb 2012 - Monster In The Green Glow

I've been playing around with markers some more today. I've never really tried to do anything where the main image is saturated in colour. I might add some more to this yet, but here's as it stands so fa. I think its gone ok considering it was just a doodle

Monday 13 February 2012

DAY 15 - Monday 13th Feb 2012 - Sephiroth FFVII

Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. I'm not so keen on this one. It reminds me that I have a lot left to learn yet!

Sunday 12 February 2012

DAY 14 - Sunday 12th Feb 2012 - Pokemon Yin Yang

So here's a picture of a yin yang pokemon style with charmeleon and wartortle. The character poses are based on a picture which my friend Ian drew as a potential tattoo design for himself, I've put this below. I'm really pleased with this, I think chosing not to colour the characters has really helped

Before colour

Ian's orginal drawings.
I love the style of these, it's like first nation artwork.
I wanted to try draw the characters more as they appear in
the TV show for my picture, but I think the poses were great,
and the style of the water I also borrowed heavily

Saturday 11 February 2012

DAY 13 - Saturday 11th Feb 2012 - Graffiti Style Shapes

I've had a crack at some graffiti style shapes today. I'm not very happy with this really , black was the wrong colour to do the background in! I shall learn next time :)

Friday 10 February 2012

DAY 12 - Friday 10th Feb 2012 - Eva Unit 06

I've been playign around with my new markers today. I've got myself a pallet of more subdued colours so hopefully I can do some work with a little more subtlety now!

Anyway, todays effort is a side profile of EVA-06s head. I'll get it scanned on Monday so the colours are a little more vibrant than a picture off my phone!

Thursday 9 February 2012

DAY 11 - Thursday 9th Feb 2012 - Gen 7 Toyota Celica

This is copied from a photo I saw on

It's not finished yet, but I'll update once its done :)

Wednesday 8 February 2012

DAY 10 - Wednesday 8th Feb 2012 - Girl with the Purple Sword

I like trying to do these heavy perspective shots. This was all made up. I took a picture before colour so you can see how it filled out. To be honest I was rushing the colouring by the end cos I just wanted it to be done, but I think this looks ok. Perspective is a bit off on her legs I think but I'll remember that for next time :)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

DAY 9 - Tuesday 7th Feb 2012 - Eva Unit 02 & Asuka

I seem to be able to draw mecha and people seperately, however combining the two into one picture always seems to go wrong somehow! With that in mind I had a crack at drawing Asuka stood on Eva Unit 02.

I quickly realised I had a bit of a scale issue as Asuka was far too big compared to Unit 02's head, so I had a go at bringing some perspective in with Unit 02's nearside shoulder. I think this has helped quite a bit so I'm going to call this one a success :)

This was loosely sketched out in pencil and was finished in black ink and markers. There's a bit of white pencil in there too for good measure

Monday 6 February 2012

DAY 8 - Monday 6th Feb 2012 - EVA Unit 02

This is a drawing of my favourite anime mecha ever. Eva Unit 02 from the series Neon genesis Evangelion :) I just love this mecha. It looks so evil!

This particular drawing is based on a sketch I saw from the Weta Workshop when they were working on concept artwork for a Live Action Evangelion movie so I can't really take credit for it. As usual, drawin in Biro and this time coloured in markers.

For the record, this is my favourite picture so far :)

Sunday 5 February 2012

DAY 7 - Sunday 5th Feb 2012 - Gundam

Todays picture is a Gundam, I'm not entirely sure which one! Looks a bit like the impulse to me

This was sketched out roughly in pencil first and then finished off with biro and marker

Saturday 4 February 2012

DAY 6 - Sat 4th Feb 2012 - A Girl

This picture is another Biro wonder. It's based on a photograph of someone I know but it doesn't especially look like them. I'm not too worried about that as I'm quite pleased with the finished result :)

Friday 3 February 2012

DAY 5 - Friday 3rd Feb 2012 - Random Doodlings

Today's offering? To be honest I'm not quite sure whats going on. It's a girl sitting on something shiney, beyond that I couldn't tell you!

Thursday 2 February 2012

DAY 4 - Thursday 2nd Feb 2012 - Gen 7 Celica

As lunch hour arrived I was scribbling away once more. Today's picture is another Biro sketch loosely based on a 7th Generation Toyota Celica belonging to a bloke in the States called Nico. I had a go at drawing it from a memory of a picture I'd seen of it.

The shape isn't bad, but I think the wheels are letting it down. Not to worry though, tomorrow is another day