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Thursday 1 March 2012

DAY 32 - Thursday 1st March 2012 - Link on Canvas

So I knew it was a friends 23rd birthday coming up and since I think he deserves so much more than something you can buy from a shop I decided that I would try paint him a picture. I have not tried painting anything like this for at least 10 years so I knew it was going to be a long shot! I had an 8x8" canvas and a much larger A3 sized canvas which I was hoping to use for the final picture. I decided to experiment on the 8x8" canvas so I didn't ruin the bigger one, however in the end I ran out of time so I did everything I could to make this small canvas look like I wanted.

This is of Link from the game Zelda which I know is a favourite character of his. I did a few sketches and sent them over to his girlfriend to see what she thought. She came up with the great idea of adding some poetry or text of some kind. Once I was happy with the sketch I aged the canvas with tea and coffee, did a rough sketch of what I wanted on the top and then got painting. This has been done entirely with acrylic paints. I've uploaded pictures of the painting at various stages so you can see how I got along.

Overall I'm really pleased with the results, especially since I'm pretty rusty with a set of paints. My friend seemed really happy with his present too which made all the hard work worthwhile :)

The Finished Piece
Before text and final aging
Partially painted
Aged canvas with sketch ready for painting

Final Sketch

Concept Sketches

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