Image Map

Monday 30 July 2012

DAY 177 - Monday 30th July 2012 - Jin

If you can't tell I've been watching Samurai Champloo recently, hence all the pictures of Samurai and traditional japanese dress. Just a quick sketch today

Wednesday 18 July 2012

DAY 169 - Wednesday 18th July 2012 - Hooded Figure

This was based on a photo I saw of Eminem. This drawing doesn't especially look like him but I was really trying to capture the darkness and strong shadows of the image

Tuesday 17 July 2012

DAY 168 - Tuesday 17th July 2012 - Girl

So not had much time today and didn't get a chance to finish this one off but I think you get the idea.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Saturday's Announcement

Hi to anyone taking the time to have a look at my picture blog, I hope you are enjoying what you see.

I have decided that I will no longer be doing a picture a day during the weekend. Recently I have been finding that weekend plans frequently interfere with me finding the time to do the pictures, so rather than rush out a couple of sketches each weekend I think it's better if I concentrate my best efforts during the week. Hopefully this way I can produce something of a little higher quality.

I hope this doesn't disappoint anyone, but I will still be producing loads of pictures for you to enjoy to please keep checking back to see how I'm getting along. As always, comments or requests are most welcome.

Much love - Martin

Sunday 8 July 2012

DAY 161 - Sunday 8th July 2012 - Anime Sketch

I've been at a car show all day today so only time for a quick sketch. Ignore that I got the date wrong! This is a quick sketch of Asuka from Evangelion battling away in the cockpit

Tuesday 3 July 2012

DAY 156 - Tuesday 3rd July 2012 - King Tekken Sketch

I've not had much time at all today so just a quick 20 minute sketch. This needs a lot of work!